Time Picker

Provides the user with a simple way to select time.

Basic Usage

Note: Always use the two-way binding @bind-Time to bind to a field of type TimeSpan?

<MudTimePicker Label="12 hours" AmPm="true" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker Label="12 hours custom format" AmPm="true" TimeFormat="h:mm tt" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker Label="24 hours" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker Label="24 hours (editable)" Editable="true" @bind-Time="_time" />
    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(00, 45, 00);
Read Only

If ReadOnly is set to true, the TimePicker can be used but the value will remain unchanged regardless of the actions performed or the values entered.

<MudTimePicker Label="12 hours" AmPm="true" @bind-Time="_time" ReadOnly="@_readOnly" />
<MudSwitch @bind-Value="_readOnly" Color="Color.Tertiary">ReadOnly</MudSwitch>
    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(00, 45, 00);
    private bool _readOnly;
Action Buttons

You can add buttons by using the PickerActions render fragment. If AutoClose is set to true and PickerActions are defined, the hour and the minutes can be selected and the drop-down will close without having to click any of the action buttons.

<MudTimePicker @ref="_picker" Label="With action buttons" AutoClose="@_autoClose">
        <MudButton Class="mr-auto align-self-start" OnClick="@(() => _picker.ClearAsync())">Clear</MudButton>
        <MudButton OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync(false))">Cancel</MudButton>
        <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync())">Ok</MudButton>
<MudSwitch @bind-Value="_autoClose" Color="Color.Secondary">AutoClose</MudSwitch>
    private MudTimePicker _picker;
    private readonly TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(00, 45, 00);
    private bool _autoClose;
Dialog Mode

<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" Label="12 hours" AmPm="true" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" Label="24 hours" @bind-Time="_time" />
    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(00, 45, 00);
Static Mode

<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" @bind-Time="_time" AmPm="true" />
<MudHidden Breakpoint="@Breakpoint.Xs">
    <MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Orientation="Orientation.Landscape" @bind-Time="_time" />
    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(13, 37, 00);
Open to Minutes

By default, MudTimePicker opens the hours editor and then switches into the minutes editor. By setting OpenTo="OpenTo.Minutes", it will open the minutes editor instead.

<MudTimePicker Label="Minutes" Text="13:37" OpenTo="OpenTo.Minutes" />
Edit Mode

By setting the TimeEditMode, you can restrict editing of the time value to allow only changing hours or minutes.

<MudTimePicker Label="Normal" @bind-Time="_time" TimeEditMode="TimeEditMode.Normal" />
<MudTimePicker Label="OnlyHours" @bind-Time="_time" TimeEditMode="TimeEditMode.OnlyHours" />
<MudTimePicker Label="OnlyMinutes" @bind-Time="_time" TimeEditMode="TimeEditMode.OnlyMinutes" />

    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(13, 37, 00);

<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Success" Rounded="true" Text="03:37 PM" AmPm="true" />
<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Secondary" Rounded="true" Text="13:37"/>

You can change the elevation with the Elevation parameter. The default level is 8 for Inline, and 0 for Static or Dialog.

<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Success" Rounded="true" Elevation="1" Text="03:37 PM" AmPm="true" />
<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Secondary" Rounded="true" Elevation="12" Text="13:37" />

You can change the granularity of selectable times with the MinuteSelectionStep parameter.

<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Primary" MinuteSelectionStep="1" Text="03:37 PM" OpenTo="OpenTo.Minutes" />
<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Secondary" MinuteSelectionStep="5" Text="03:35 PM" OpenTo="OpenTo.Minutes" />
<MudTimePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Tertiary" MinuteSelectionStep="15" Text="03:45 PM" OpenTo="OpenTo.Minutes" />
Keyboard Navigation

MudTimePicker accepts keys to keyboard navigation.

Escape or Alt+ArrowUp keys to close dropdown

Enter or NumpadEnter or ArrowDown or ArrowUp keys to open dropdown

Space key to toggle open/close the picker (if it is not editable)

ArrowUp or Ctrl+ArrowRight keys to increase hour by 1

ArrowDown or Ctrl+ArrowLeft keys to decrease hour by 1

ArrowRight and ArrowLeft keys to increase/decrease minute by 1

Shift+ArrowRight and Shift+ArrowLeft keys to increase/decrease minute by 5

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace keys to reset (validation)

<MudTimePicker Label="12 hours" AmPm="true" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker Label="24 hours" @bind-Time="_time" />
<MudTimePicker Label="With action buttons">
        <MudButton Class="mr-auto align-self-start" OnClick="@(() => context.ClearAsync())">Clear</MudButton>
        <MudButton OnClick="@(() => context.CloseAsync(false))">Cancel</MudButton>
        <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="@(() => context.CloseAsync())">Ok</MudButton>
    private TimeSpan? _time = new TimeSpan(00, 45, 00);
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