Horizontal stepper
Stepper needs MudStep
in its child content. Each step can have Title
and SecondaryText
so the component can be displayed properly. The reset button is only shown if ShowResetButton
is set. You might not need it in a real world example but in the docs it is important to be able
to reset the stepper so we enabled it everywhere.
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper ShowResetButton> <MudStep Title="Select campaign settings">Select campaign settings content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad group" SecondaryText="Optional" Skippable="true">Create an ad group content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad">Create an ad content</MudStep> </MudStepper> </MudPaper>
Non-linear version
If you need to jump between the steps, parameter NonLinear
is there for that.
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper NonLinear ShowResetButton> <MudStep Title="Write the code">Most programmers first start writing the code but some experts write the tests first</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Write the tests">If you write the tests first you will design a better API when you write the code</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Write the documentation" SecondaryText="... or not">Some consider writing readable code more important than writing documentation.</MudStep> </MudStepper> </MudPaper>
Centered labels
centers the labels in the navigation bar below the circle. It affects only horizontal steppers.
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper CenterLabels="true" ShowResetButton> <MudStep Title="Select campaign settings">Select campaign settings content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad group" SecondaryText="Optional" Skippable="true">Create an ad group content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad">Create an ad content</MudStep> </MudStepper> </MudPaper>
The component can be customized via TitleTemplate
, LabelTemplate
and ConnectorTemplate
You can also add a success message after the last step thanks to the CompletedContent
You can also replace the step action buttons (previous, skip and next) by providing alternative buttons via theActionContent
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper @bind-ActiveIndex="_index" CompletedStepColor="Color.Success" CurrentStepColor="Color.Primary" NavClass="border-b mud-border-lines-default" StepClass="pt-4" ShowResetButton> <TitleTemplate>@*This empty template prevents rendering the title*@</TitleTemplate> <ConnectorTemplate Context="step"> <div class="mud-stepper-nav-connector"> @{ int value = step.Completed ? 100 : 0; <MudProgressLinear Indeterminate="@(step.IsActive)" Striped Value="value" Min="0" Max="100" Color="Color.Success" Style="height: 2px; background-color: #d4ddeb; border-radius: 2px;" /> } </div> </ConnectorTemplate> <LabelTemplate> @if (context.IsActive) { <MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.AirplanemodeActive" Style="rotate: 90deg;" Color="context.Completed ? Color.Success : Color.Primary"></MudIcon> } else if (context.Completed) { <div style="height: 10px; width:10px; background-color: var(--mud-palette-success); border-radius: 50%;"></div> } else { <div style="height: 10px; width:10px; background-color: #d4ddeb; border-radius: 50%;"></div> } </LabelTemplate> <ChildContent> <MudStep Title="Verify passenger data">Check-in Step 1: Verify passenger data</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Upgrade to first class" Skippable="true">Check-in Step 2: Upgrade to first class (optional)</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Select seat">Check-in Step 3: Select seat</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Complete check-in" @bind-Completed="_completed">Check-in Final Step: Complete check-in</MudStep> </ChildContent> <CompletedContent> <MudStack Row Class="ma-3"> <MudIcon Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Done" Color="Color.Success"/> <MudText> You are checked-in, your ticket will be sent by email. </MudText> </MudStack> </CompletedContent> <ActionContent Context="stepper"> <MudButton OnClick="@(() => stepper.ResetAsync())">Reset</MudButton> @if (!_completed) { <MudIconButton OnClick="@(() => stepper.PreviousStepAsync())" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.ArrowBack" Color="Color.Primary" Disabled="@(_index <= 0)" /> <MudSpacer /> @if (stepper.Steps[_index].Skippable == true) { <MudIconButton OnClick="@(() => stepper.SkipCurrentStepAsync())" Icon="@stepper.SkipButtonIcon" Color="Color.Primary" /> } <MudIconButton OnClick="@(() => stepper.NextStepAsync())" Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.ArrowForward" Color="Color.Primary" /> } </ActionContent> </MudStepper> </MudPaper>
@code { private int _index; private bool _completed; }
Step binding
Each step can also show an error via HasError
be disabled via Disabled
or be completed via Completed
_index: 0
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper @bind-ActiveIndex="_index" ShowResetButton> <MudStep Title="Select campaign settings" HasError="_error">Select campaign settings content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad group" @bind-Completed="_completed">Create an ad group content</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad" Disabled="_disabled">Create an ad content</MudStep> </MudStepper> </MudPaper> <MudDivider/> <p>_index: @_index</p> <MudDivider/> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="@_error" Color="Color.Primary" Label="Step 1 error"></MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="@_completed" Color="Color.Primary" Label="Step 2 completed"></MudSwitch> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="@_disabled" Color="Color.Primary" Label="Step 3 disabled" /> <MudNumericField @bind-Value="_index" Label="Current index" Variant="Variant.Text" Min="0" Max="5" />
@code { private bool _error; private bool _completed; private bool _disabled; private int _index; }
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper NonLinear ShowResetButton OnPreviewInteraction="OnPreviewInteraction"> <MudStep Title="Step 1" SecondaryText="Flip the switch" HasError="@(_step1Complete==false)"> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="_step1Complete" Color="Color.Primary">Flip the switch to be able to advance to step 2</MudSwitch> </MudStep> <MudStep Title="Step 2" SecondaryText="Enter some text" HasError="@(_step2TextInput=="")"> <MudTextField Label="Enter some text" @bind-Value="_step2TextInput" Variant="Variant.Filled" Clearable/> </MudStep> <MudStep Title="Step 3">This step can only be visited if the other steps are completed.</MudStep> </MudStepper> </MudPaper>
@code { [Inject] IDialogService DialogService { get; set; } private bool? _step1Complete; private string _step2TextInput; private async Task OnPreviewInteraction(StepperInteractionEventArgs arg) { if (arg.Action == StepAction.Complete) { // occurrs when clicking next await ControlStepCompletion(arg); } else if (arg.Action == StepAction.Activate) { // occurrs when clicking a step header with the mouse await ControlStepNavigation(arg); } } private async Task ControlStepCompletion(StepperInteractionEventArgs arg) { switch (arg.StepIndex) { case 0: if (_step1Complete != true) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox("Error", "You have not flipped the switch in step 1"); arg.Cancel = true; } break; case 1: if ((_step2TextInput?.Length ?? 0) == 0) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox("Error", "You have not entered text in step 2"); arg.Cancel = true; } break; } } private async Task ControlStepNavigation(StepperInteractionEventArgs arg) { switch (arg.StepIndex) { case 1: if (_step1Complete != true) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox("Error", "Finish step 1 first"); arg.Cancel = true; } break; case 2: if (_step1Complete != true || (_step2TextInput?.Length ?? 0) == 0) { await DialogService.ShowMessageBox("Error", "Finish step 1 and 2 first"); arg.Cancel = true; } break; } } }
Dynamically adding or removing steps
By maintaining a list of steps you can easily add or remove steps programmatically. In this example we also set a custom CompletedContent
that shows after the final step has been completed.
Current step index: 0
<MudPaper Style="width: 800px"> <MudStepper @bind-ActiveIndex="_index" ShowResetButton> <ChildContent> @foreach (var step in _steps) { <MudStep Title="">Select campaign settings content @step</MudStep> } </ChildContent> <CompletedContent> Well done!!! </CompletedContent> </MudStepper> </MudPaper> <MudDivider/> <MudButton OnClick="Remove" Color="Color.Error">Remove</MudButton> <MudText>@_steps.Count</MudText> <MudButton OnClick="Add" Color="Color.Primary">Add</MudButton> <MudDivider/> <p>Current step index: @_index</p>
@code { List<string> _steps = new() { "First" , "Second" }; int _index; private void Add() { Random rnd = new Random(); _steps.Add( $"Step {rnd.Next(0, 10000)}" ); } private void Remove() { _steps.Remove(_steps[^1]); } }
Vertical stepper
Stepper also has a vertical version enabled by parameter Vertical.
<MudPaper Style="width: 400px"> <MudStepper Vertical ShowResetButton NonLinear="_nonLinear"> <ChildContent> <MudStep Title="Select campaign settings">For each ad campaign that you create, you can control how much you're willing to spend on clicks and conversions, which networks and geographical locations you want your ads to show on, and more.</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad group" SecondaryText="Optional" Skippable="true">An ad group contains one or more ads which target a shared set of keywords.</MudStep> <MudStep Title="Create an ad">Try out different ad text to see what brings in the most customers, and learn how to enhance your ads using features like ad extensions. If you run into any problems with your ads, find out how to tell if they're running and how to resolve approval issues.</MudStep> </ChildContent> <CompletedContent> Thank you for wasting your money on clicks! </CompletedContent> </MudStepper> </MudPaper> <br/> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="_nonLinear" Color="Color.Primary">NonLinear</MudSwitch>
@code { bool _nonLinear; }