Basic Usage
<MudDatePicker Label="Basic example" @bind-Date="_date"/> <MudDatePicker Label="Editable with Placeholder" Editable="true" @bind-Date="_date" Placeholder="Select Date" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Only Calendar" @bind-Date="_date" ShowToolbar="false" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Date Format" @bind-Date="_date" DateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Show week number" ShowWeekNumbers="true" @bind-Date="_date" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Display two months" DisplayMonths="2" TitleDateFormat="dddd, dd MMMM" @bind-Date="_date" />
@code { private DateTime? _date = DateTime.Today; }
Input Masking
By setting the Mask
parameter, an editable DatePicker can be used with any suitable
input mask, preferably a DateMask
has built-in date awareness. But other masks like PatternMask
will work as well, even
if they allow to input invalid dates. Make sure the DateFormat
fits the mask!
<MudDatePicker Label="dd.MM.yyyy" Editable="true" @bind-Date="_date1" Mask="@(new DateMask("dd.MM.yyyy"))" DateFormat="dd.MM.yyyy" Placeholder="de-AT Date" Variant="Variant.Text" /> <MudDatePicker Label="MM/dd/yyyy" Editable="true" @bind-Date="_date2" Mask="@(new DateMask("MM/dd/yyyy"))" DateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" Placeholder="en-US Date" Variant="Variant.Filled" /> <MudDatePicker Label="yyyy-MM-dd" Editable="true" @bind-Date="_date3" Mask="@(new DateMask("0000-00-00"))" DateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd" Placeholder="ISO Date" Variant="Variant.Outlined" />
@code { private DateTime? _date1 = null; private DateTime? _date2 = DateTime.Today; private DateTime? _date3 = null; }
Text Parsing
By setting the ImmediateText
parameter to true, an editable DatePicker's Date
can be
set manually by parsing the user's text as they type.
@using System.Globalization <MudDatePicker Label="Flexible Date" Editable="true" Date="_date" ImmediateText="true" Placeholder="day.month.year" DateFormat="@_dateFormat" TextChanged="DatePickerTextChanged" HelperText="@_bound" Clearable="true" />
@code { private DateTime? _date = null; private string _dateFormat = "dd.MM.yyyy"; private string _bound = "not set"; private void DatePickerTextChanged(string value) { if (value == null || value.Length < 6) { _date = null; } else { string[] formats = { "ddMMyy", "dd.MM.yyyy", "dd.M.yyyy", "d.MM.yyyy", "d.M.yyyy", "dd.MM.yy", "dd.M.yy", "d.MM.yy", "d.M.yy" }; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(value, formats, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime validDate)) { _date = validDate; } else { _date = null; } } if (_date.HasValue) { _bound = _date.Value.ToString(_dateFormat); } else { _bound = "not set"; } } }
Read Only
If ReadOnly
is set to true, the DatePicker can be used but the value will remain unchanged regardless of the actions performed or the values entered.
<MudDatePicker Label="Read only" @bind-Date="_date" ReadOnly="true"/>
@code { private DateTime? _date = DateTime.Today; }
Disable or customize days
By setting the IsDateDisabledFunc
parameter, it's possible to disable specific days and
by setting the AdditionalDateClassesFunc
parameter it's possible to apply a custom class to specific days.
<MudDatePicker Label="Not working days, Sunday in red" IsDateDisabledFunc="@((DateTime dt)=>((int)dt.DayOfWeek > 0 && (int)dt.DayOfWeek < 6))" AdditionalDateClassesFunc="@((DateTime dt)=>((int)dt.DayOfWeek == 0 ? "red-text text-accent-4" : ""))"/>
<MudDatePicker @ref="_picker" Label="With action buttons" @bind-Date="_date" AutoClose="@_autoClose"> <PickerActions> <MudButton Class="mr-auto align-self-start" OnClick="@(() => _picker.ClearAsync())">Clear</MudButton> <MudButton OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync(false))">Cancel</MudButton> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync())">Ok</MudButton> </PickerActions> </MudDatePicker> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="_autoClose" Color="Color.Secondary">AutoClose</MudSwitch>
@code { private MudDatePicker _picker; private DateTime? _date = DateTime.Today; private bool _autoClose; }
When you set the Culture
parameter, the DatePicker will use culture-specific month names, weekday names and even different calendars.
@using System.Globalization @using System.Reflection <MudDatePicker Label="Current UI Culture" @bind-Date="_date" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Persian" @bind-Date="_date" Culture="@GetPersianCulture()" TitleDateFormat="dddd, dd MMMM"/> <MudDatePicker Label="Chinese" @bind-Date="_date" Culture="@CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("zh-Hans")" TitleDateFormat="dddd, dd MMMM"/>
@code { private DateTime? _date = new DateTime(2021, 02, 14); // 1399-11-26 in Persian calendar public CultureInfo GetPersianCulture() { var culture = new CultureInfo("fa-IR"); DateTimeFormatInfo formatInfo = culture.DateTimeFormat; formatInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames = new[] { "ی", "د", "س", "چ", "پ", "ج", "ش" }; formatInfo.DayNames = new[] { "یکشنبه", "دوشنبه", "سه شنبه", "چهار شنبه", "پنجشنبه", "جمعه", "شنبه" }; var monthNames = new[] { "فروردین", "اردیبهشت", "خرداد", "تیر", "مرداد", "شهریور", "مهر", "آبان", "آذر", "دی", "بهمن", "اسفند", "", }; formatInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames = formatInfo.MonthNames = formatInfo.MonthGenitiveNames = formatInfo.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames = monthNames; formatInfo.AMDesignator = "ق.ظ"; formatInfo.PMDesignator = "ب.ظ"; formatInfo.ShortDatePattern = "yyyy/MM/dd"; formatInfo.LongDatePattern = "dddd, dd MMMM,yyyy"; formatInfo.FirstDayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Saturday; Calendar cal = new PersianCalendar(); FieldInfo fieldInfo = culture.GetType().GetField("calendar", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (fieldInfo != null) fieldInfo.SetValue(culture, cal); FieldInfo info = formatInfo.GetType().GetField("calendar", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); if (info != null) info.SetValue(formatInfo, cal); culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator = "/"; culture.NumberFormat.DigitSubstitution = DigitShapes.NativeNational; culture.NumberFormat.NumberNegativePattern = 0; return culture; } }
Dialog Mode
<MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" Label="Picker example" Text="2020-10-19" /> <MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" Label="Only Calendar" Text="2020-10-19" ShowToolbar="false" HelperText="No header" /> <MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Dialog" Label="Date Format" HelperText="For custom cultures" DateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" Date="@(new DateTime(2020,10,19))" />
Static Mode
<MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" /> <MudHidden Breakpoint="@Breakpoint.Xs"> <MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Orientation="Orientation.Landscape" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" /> </MudHidden>
Different views
By default, it opens to Date, but can be set to Year or Month.
<MudDatePicker Label="Year" OpenTo="OpenTo.Year" Text="2020-10-19" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Month" OpenTo="OpenTo.Month" Text="2020-10-19" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Date" Text="2020-10-19" />
<MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Success" Rounded="true" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" /> <MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Color="Color.Secondary" Rounded="true" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" />
You can change the elevation with the Elevation
parameter. The default level is 8 for Inline, and 0 for Static or Dialog.
<MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Rounded="true" Elevation="1" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" /> <MudDatePicker PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" Rounded="true" Elevation="12" Date="@(DateTime.Today.AddDays(1))" />
Go To Date
method helps to control the component programmatically. With GoToDate
, users can navigate between dates with or without submitting. Works with all picker variants.
This example shows the possible usage of GoToDate
<MudDatePicker @ref="_picker" @bind-Date="_date" PickerVariant="PickerVariant.Static" MaxDate="_maxDate"> <PickerActions> <MudButton Class="mr-auto align-self-start" OnClick="TodayAsync">Today</MudButton> </PickerActions> </MudDatePicker> <div class="d-flex flex-column gap-4"> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="CurrentDate">Move To Current Date</MudButton> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="MudReleaseAsync">When First Mud Released?</MudButton> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="GoMaxDateWithoutSubmitAsync">Go To Max Date Without Submit</MudButton> </div>
@code { private MudDatePicker _picker; private DateTime? _date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(210); private DateTime _maxDate = new DateTime(2050, 12, 31); protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender) { if (firstRender) { _picker.GoToDate(); } } private Task TodayAsync() { return _picker.GoToDate(DateTime.Today); } private void CurrentDate() { _picker.GoToDate(); } private Task MudReleaseAsync() { return _picker.GoToDate(new DateTime(2020, 10, 18)); } private Task GoMaxDateWithoutSubmitAsync() { return _picker.GoToDate(_maxDate, false); } }
Fixed Values Usage
You can set fix values for day, month or year via FixDay
, FixMonth
and FixYear
, default value is null for all of them.
This in combination with the OpenTo
parameter allows for Year-Month Pickers, where the user only selects those two values or Month-Day Pickers where the year is already given.
This changes the behaviour of the picker so only views that can be set are displayed.
<MudDatePicker Label="Year-Month Picker (Fixed Day)" HelperText="@_yearMonth?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_yearMonth" OpenTo="OpenTo.Year" FixDay="1" DateFormat="yyyy/MM" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Month-Day Picker (Fixed Year)" HelperText="@_monthDay?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_monthDay" OpenTo="OpenTo.Month" FixYear="2021" DateFormat="MM/dd" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Year-Day Picker (Fixed Month)" HelperText="@_yearDay?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_yearDay" OpenTo="OpenTo.Year" FixMonth="10" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Year Picker (Fixed Month and Day)" HelperText="@_year?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_year" OpenTo="OpenTo.Year" FixMonth="@DateTime.Today.Month" FixDay="@DateTime.Today.Day" DateFormat="yyyy" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Month Picker (Fixed Year and Day)" HelperText="@_month?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_month" OpenTo="OpenTo.Month" FixYear="@DateTime.Today.Year" FixDay="@DateTime.Today.Day" DateFormat="MMM" /> <MudDatePicker Label="Day Picker (Fixed Year and Month)" HelperText="@_day?.ToShortDateString()" @bind-Date="_day" FixYear="@DateTime.Today.Year" FixMonth="@DateTime.Today.Month" DateFormat="dd" />
@code { private DateTime? _yearMonth; private DateTime? _monthDay; private DateTime? _yearDay; private DateTime? _year; private DateTime? _month; private DateTime? _day; }
Range Picker Usage
<MudStack> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Basic range picker" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" /> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Basic range picker (editable)" Editable="true" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" /> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Placeholder" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" PlaceholderStart="Start Date" PlaceholderEnd="End Date" /> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Clearable" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" Clearable="true" /> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Range picker format" HelperText="For custom cultures" DateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" TitleDateFormat="dddd, dd. MMMM" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" /> <MudDateRangePicker Label="Custom start month" StartMonth="@DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1)" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" /> <MudDateRangePicker @ref="_picker" Label="With action buttons" @bind-DateRange="_dateRange" AutoClose="@_autoClose"> <PickerActions> <MudButton Class="mr-auto align-self-start" OnClick="@(() => _picker.ClearAsync())">Clear</MudButton> <MudButton OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync(false))">Cancel</MudButton> <MudButton Color="Color.Primary" OnClick="@(() => _picker.CloseAsync())">Ok</MudButton> </PickerActions> </MudDateRangePicker> <MudSwitch @bind-Value="_autoClose" Color="Color.Secondary">AutoClose</MudSwitch> </MudStack>
@code { private MudDateRangePicker _picker; private DateRange _dateRange = new DateRange(DateTime.Now.Date, DateTime.Now.AddDays(5).Date); private bool _autoClose; }