Basic Rating
<MudRating SelectedValue="2" />
A disabled component cannot change its state. Use the Disabled
parameter to disable a component.
<MudRating Disabled="true" SelectedValue="2" />
Read only
A read-only component doesn't allow interactions. Use the ReadOnly
parameter to mark a component as read-only.
<MudRating ReadOnly="true" SelectedValue="2" />
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-center"> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" Size="Size.Small" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" Size="Size.Medium" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" Size="Size.Large" /> </div>
Max value
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-center"> <MudRating SelectedValue="1" MaxValue="3" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="3" MaxValue="10" /> </div>
Icons and color
Icons and colors can be set separately for Empty and Full icons. Icons can be set using FullIcon
and EmptyIcon
properties, while Color can be set using Color
attribute for both icons, or separately for full/empty icons using FullIconColor
and EmptyIconColor
properties. If one of those is not set, the component will use the value set in Color
property for both empty and full.
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-center"> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" FullIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Visibility" EmptyIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.VisibilityOff" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" FullIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Favorite" EmptyIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.FavoriteBorder" Color="Color.Secondary" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" FullIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Square" EmptyIcon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Square" FullIconColor="Color.Primary" EmptyIconColor="Color.Tertiary" /> </div>
Events and value binding
The MudRating
component provides value binding and events for changed selected value or hover. E.g you can display a label on hover to help users pick the correct rating value, using parameters like HoveredValueChanged
, SelectedValueChanged
and bind-SelectedValue
Rate our product!
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-center"> <MudRating @bind-SelectedValue="selectedVal" HoveredValueChanged="HandleHoveredValueChanged" /> <MudText Typo="Typo.subtitle2" Class="deep-purple-text mt-2">@LabelText</MudText> </div>
@code { private int selectedVal = 0; private int? activeVal; private void HandleHoveredValueChanged(int? val) => activeVal = val; private string LabelText => (activeVal ?? selectedVal) switch { 1 => "Very bad", 2 => "Bad", 3 => "Sufficient", 4 => "Good", 5 => "Awesome!", _ => "Rate our product!" }; }
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-center"> <MudRating SelectedValue="2" /> <MudRating SelectedValue="3" MaxValue="10" /> </div>